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Basic BBCode

Basic BBCode allows the basics of document formatting. The BBCode included here are font, color, size, bold, italic, underline, and alignment.


This tag allows you to change the font or type style of your text.
Available Fonts: Arial, Comic Sans MS, Courier New, Georgia, Lucida Sans Unicode, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana.

Usage: [font=option]value[/font]
Example Usage: [font=Georgia]This text is in the Georgia type style.[/font]
Example Output: This text is in the Georgia type style.
Bold, Italic and Underline
These codes provide basic formatting to your text.
Usage: [b]value[/b]
Example Usage: [b]This is bold text.[/b]
[i]This is italic text[/i]
[u]This is underlined text[/u]
Example Output: This is bold text.
This is italic text
This is underlined text.
Allows you to color your text. You can use any named color or hex value. Colors can also be selected using the built-in color palette tool.
Usage: [color=option]value[/color]
Example Usage: [color=blue]This text is blue.[/color]
Example Output: This text is blue.
Allows you to change the size of your text. Allows font sizes from 8 pixels to 72 pixels in size.
Usage: [size=option]value[/size]
Example Usage: [size=18]This text is 18 pixels tall[/size]
Example Output: This text is 18 pixels tall
Left / Right / Center Justification
Allows you to align or justify your text for different effects.
Usage: [left]value[/left]
Example Usage: [left]this text is left-aligned[/left]
[center]this text is center-aligned[/center]
[right]this text is right-aligned[/right]
Example Output:
this text is left-aligned
this text is center-aligned
this text is right-aligned
Allows you to indent your text within a blockquote element.
Usage: [indent]value[/indent]
Example Usage: [indent]This text is indented.[/indent]
Example Output:
This text is indented.
Tells the system to not parse BBCODE
Usage: [noparse][b]option[b][/noparse]
Example Usage: [noparse][b]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/b][/noparse]
Example Output: [b]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/b]
User Mentions
Allows you to mention and link another user to the conversation. The mentioned user will get a notification about the mention. This BBCode works off the @ nomenclature popular by Twitter and Facebook. However you can use it as a standard BBCODE as well. Using the @ format in WYSIWYG mode, will trigger an auto-suggestion dropdown. For names with spaces, use double quotes to clarify your meaning.
Usage: @%username%
Example Usage: @"John Doe"
@John Doe
[user]John Doe[/user]
Example Output: @John Doe
@John Doe
@John Doe